Saturday, February 6, 2010

Painting Flat Tin Roofs

Retreat at Hollow Rock

Watercolor 11" x 15" Mats to 16" x 20"

Landscapes have been the focus of my watercolor classes this session and one of my favorite types of landscapes includes rustic structures.....cabins, barns, etc. 

My watercolor above, Retreat at Hollow Rock, contains a flat tin roof cabin.  Tin roofs vary in color based on many different factors including age, climate in the area, and the surrounding landscape (wooded or treeless).  Also, the light or dark color of the roof is also influenced by the reflection of the sun.  The tin roof above was painted during midday sun and is much lighter and brighter than a tin roof painted in a shady area or in early morning or afternoon.

The materials used for barn roofing or sheds can vary from region to region depending on what materials are more readily available locally. Tin roofs have a certain rustic appeal. The types of roofs are most often found in rural areas of the United States. The following are colors useful when painting rusted flat tin roofs.

Burnt Sienna
Windsor Orange

These colors are also used; however, the instructions below used the above listed paint colors.
Burnt Umber
Paynes Gray

Sketch a flat tin roof and paint using the following steps.

 1. Using a ½ inch flat brush paint the roof using Windsor Orange.

 2. Add Burnt Sienna to the mix to paint the bottom panels and leave some areas white.

 3. Add Ultramarine to the mix and continue painting wet into wet. Allow to dry.

 4. Paint the horizontal sections of the roof with a rigger brush or a small flat brush on edge using Burnt Sienna and Ultramarine.

 5. Finally paint the diagonal lines following the slop of the roof with Windsor Orange and Ultramarine.

 6. The flat tin roof is complete, paint the remainder of the structure.
Corruggated tin roofs have a few additional steps to indicate the grooves in the tin. 



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