Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cades Cove Grist Mill - The Finishing Touches

The mill, water wheel, water run and the walkway are finished. Now to paint the background trees, foreground grasses , the fence and to add any finishing details that are needed.

Prepare a wash of the following colors for the tree branches and trunks:

-Burnt Umber
-Payne's Gray

Using a round brush, paint in the tree trunks and branches using wet on dry. This can be done freehand; or if you feel more comfortable, lightly pencil in the location of the tree trunks and branches. I used a #4 rounds brush for the trunks and larger branches and then a liner brush for the small branches.

While this dries, prepare a very diluted wash of Burnt Umber and Sepia for the fence posts. Using a #6 round brush, paint the posts using a wet on wet technique. Wet the fence posts with clean water and then paint using the prepared wash. Drop in Burnt Umber and Sepia to deepen some areas for shadows and imperfections in the wood. Allow to dry.

When the tree branches and trunks are dry, use a dry sea sponge and lightly sponge in some areas of foliage using the following colors:

-Lemon Yellow
-Sap Green
-Wash of Sap Green and Ultramarine

Vary the colors of the foliage using light and dark to show areas of sunshine and shadow. Sponge across some of the branches.

Using a light touch and lighter colors, sponge in the foreground grasses.

Last Minutes Details:
Allow the painting to dry. Check any areas that you feel may need additional details; such as the logs or the fence. Add any details you feel are needed.

Congratulations! Sign your name - you grist mill is complete!

Until next blog - Happy Painting!

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